Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ms. ChloeBee is back!

BTW I just love her..That's all~


From Kenya to Kansas by Denise Campbell

One Vote By Bisa Butler


Emma Amos, ZORA’S CHILDREN, 26 x46“, collagraph with etching


Emma Amos (b. 1938) Sand Tan, ca. 1980

(yes dreads in the corner)

Hey all!!!

I know I'm checking back in and it's been a long time....So much for my Brunsli move, ay! But I've been dealing with dreaded finals so I have some type of excuse. I'm sitting here while my booski is playing one of those video know, one of those killing types. Its got all the most, savory concepts. Vulgar language, guns and blood spewing at every turn and giant worms. Oh goody... Times like this really make me realize just how much I despise these types of activity's.Why is killing via digital graphics a form of entertainment....But I digress...

How is everyone.

I'm well and my hair...The true reason for the blog, is doing very well. I'm really starting to love my hair. I've got shrinkage, a little bunching, a few awkward sized locks and all but I still can help but love them. I'm definitely OVER due for a re-tightening...But that's another story entirely. Due to all my other obligations I've really neglected a through haircare day! That will be soon trust and believe cause I've got to have about an inch of new growth! Love's it!!! Even though my hair is like honey I shrunk my massive fro'. Lol Conversely, a lot of people have commented on its growth and thickening...Me on the other hand would like to see a combo of both but whatev. They don't know what I've researched it to be and what it was to start....Wooo I still get shocked. I'm definitely all up in my hurre. I can't help it. It's so frickin cute and has little blondish peach fuzz...Which i used to despise; now with my locks its kinda cute! I'm just growing so much. Like nowadays I'm no longer pressed to make sure my hair is styled and some days i look a little "boyish" with my short fuzzy do', but my boyfriend has been supportive. He even told me the other day as we went out that I looked goregous and wearing my straight clean locks was how he like to see me best. Not all the bells and whistles. I think I still need more convincing but hey, I am a DIVA what can I say.

As for my art obsession I got a chance to go to this thing...Only the quintessential Black art community event THE Porter Colloquium! It's an event held by Howard Every year, speaks on the art progressions and challenges, debuts new and old greats of the field and highlights the accomplishments of an artist in the field. This year Ms. Emma Amos (inserted pictures above). Also all you DC residents and people who may visit the Washington DC you gotta check out two cool things! 1. You have got to go to the Scurlock Exhibit at the Smithsonian Museum of American art. 2. You all have go to Quilts of Obama, the Historical Society of Washington, D.C. and the Women of Color Quilters Network have partnered with The Group for Cultural Documentation (TGCD) to present Quilts for Obama: An Exhibit Celebrating the Inauguration of our 44th President, opening Sunday, January 11, 2009, and continuing through January 31, 2009.

There are also so many more things to be looking out for in the art department but I will keep you all posted! Have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pieces! I learned of some new artists. Thanx!
