(that's a line from a Drake song)
Anyhow thank you to all my subscribers, I am now at 11 followers! I know for all the ladies breaking a hundred they're all laughing a my measly number but we gotta start somewhere and I am grateful for my followers. Thank you for your comments and support. It's only due to you all that have helped make this the best and most easy transition of my life.I started my natural journey as a young girl in the 7th grade. The perm had eaten up my hair and I needed a swift change. Growing up in the suburbs of Seattle, Washington (Bellevue to be exact) I was one of only very(very very very, did I mention VERY) few Black students, and transitioning from my perm in those days and at that age was VERY UNHEARD OF!! I think there was one mixed girl in the class so she knew nothing, not only that she laughed at my hair. However, determined to have healthy hair I started the very unhealthy process of the press. Now, if any of you know a thing or two about Seattle you know that is about the dumbest thing you can do. The constant rain had me hiding to maintain my beautiful press and while my hair was finally growing back from the breakage, shrinkage became my worst enemy. Mind you a few years later we moved to LA and I got to have a great press my moisture due to Cheerleading had me half stepping (literally) It wasn't until the day I took my weave out Sophomore year of college at Howard (the mecca for the Natural due...in Chocolate city Washington DC) that I truly appreciated my natural hair, minus the stress of the hot comb and what not. Ever since that day I've been in a salon (if I'm lucky 4 times) and I have not looked back since. The freedom of my natural hair has only since been enhanced with my Bradelocks/ Braidlocks/ Braidlocs (whatever)! I'm getting back in the best shape of my short life and I am proud of debuting my hair anywhere!!!
It was the best decision I've made...All I do it wet my hair with some water (if needed), and spritz some oils I've mixed together (carrot oil, teatree, evoo and sweet almond) and when I wash I use a baby shampoo ( you knew the ones that SWEAR they'll never burn...(lies and Blasphemy)). Once a month I wash with Apple cider vinegar! I'll probably never use product in the same capacity again and that makes me so happy! i love to get compliments and people always ask if my sisterlocked...which I love, because they I have the opportunity to educate people on Braidlocks. One other thing that I love about my braidlocks is the men factor... (Gasp) All the guys I date are into natural hair and I have never encountered guys with hair hang-ups... But I will say when ever I take a nap or lean on a wall or anything of the sort I get the dreaded flat-afro. Most men hate that. Though its easy to fix its awkward and unsightly and being able to wake up with a similar if not same hair style is nice...Though I wrap most every night. Anywho thank you for listening and understand and KEEP SUBSCRIBING
LOL just LOL Congratulations on your milestone, love reading your story!
ReplyDeleteNice post, and thanks for following me as well!